About a month ago, I was asked to speak at a Dance camp for young women for an organization that a girl from my church started. To say that I was humbled and scared is an understatement. {Be careful what you pray for....God listens...anywho...I digress...}
The organization uses Proverbs 31 as an anchor scripture, and I was asked to speak around a verse or two from this chapter. The title of my session was "Know your Worth," a topic that I feel so strongly about when it comes to pre-teen and teenaged girls.
Now, after I got over MYself, and MY fears, I think my message was relevant, and they got something out of it. For starters, girls are bombarded with images of perfect bodies, hair, teeth, skin, feet, you name it, BOYS, and the bar is so high. It can be so overwhelming to be a teenage girl in 2011...{can I just say how HAPPY I am to be an adult with all of this social media..high school would have sucked...oops can I say sucked...??}
In preparation for this devotion, I began to think back over my childhood, and what influenced the decisions I've made thus far. I'd like to share them with you...you know, because you're dying to know...
I shared with the girls, that I can recall during family prayer time my parents praying that I would be 'set apart,' and a leader...not afraid to go against the grain... (Now, depending on the day and situation, this independence totally kicked them in the butt because you know..I've been known to be a tad bit stubborn...and relentless when I think I'm right).
Anyway...I HATED the 'set apart' portion of the prayer. I didn't want to be set apart. I wanted to be a normal teenager...I wanted to sin and not care...I wanted to not feel conviction for when I mistreated people...but what can I say...my parents are good prayers...lol!
Fast forward to a set apart adult...there really isn't much difference.....it still has its ups and downs, but thankfully my very small inner circle of friends love the stubborn, slightly surly...lol, independent, faithful person that I am. As I think back, I wouldn't trade it for the world...BUT, the hardest part is the people who don't know you that well, and the silent judgment they bring.
I am not perfect, (see disclaimer below), in fact, I can probably out sin you on ANY day...
Disclaimer: I am a sinner. I fall short everyday...I can be hypocritical, mean, stubborn, jealous, gossipy...you name it, the potential is there for me to fall. I deal with loneliness, and wanting the company of a man...(I can't believe I just wrote this...lol). I don't always choose the right...sometimes I am proud of a wrong decision...REALLY proud. Speaking of said pride...I have to check myself everyday ALL DAY...and it is an uphill journey...because did I mention how stubborn I am?! I HATE having to be the bigger person 9.9 out of 10 times...I have a hard time trusting others, and am SUPER guarded...I really could go on and on...but you get the picture.
I said all of this to say...the difference between me and most, is my sin affects me in a different way. It messes me up...you know the conviction that comes with doing wrong? I can recall my godmother telling me that when I was younger and being a handful, she would just pray for God to convict my heart...seriously...worse than any punishment EVER...
But I wish I could display how much I love me some Jesus...I am nothing, NoThInG without HIM!!! My entire life's purpose is to do His work....nothing else is worth it to me...if I lost every friend on this earth, I know I could start over with Jesus...
My relationship with God is so important to me, that I can't apologize for it...I can't explain it...but there is a cost involved, and most days, I'm OK with that cost...but again, I have my disclaimer days...I can tell you though, that the cost associated with loving and living for Christ, is better than the costly mistakes I've made where He wasn't involved...can anyone relate?!?
I hope to help guide an entire generation of little set apart lives. Be it my friends, strangers, and definitely through my work with PDG....I'll leave you with this...today during church, my Pastor asked us a simple question. He said, when we get to heaven, and sit with the great soldiers from the Bible; Nehemiah, Noah, Moses, JESUS, and they began to talk about their days on earth, and the legacy they left...what would I be able to say?!? Think about that!!!
In and Out for 2025
1 month ago
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