Tonight, I went to bible study, and got to personally hug the neck of one of my most favorite know the one that freaked out that I wasn't there a couple of weeks ago?!
It was GREAT! I forgot how much I missed praying, listening, and talking life with those kids! I'm glad to be back. It was a bit hectic getting there with practice and Houston Rush Hour traffic, but God makes a way when it's in His will! It didn't disappoint!
I left with my cup running over. I love that feeling! Great praise and worship on the way to the church...was challenged in the much so that I'm doing a little more research of my own before I go to bed. (The message came out of John 15:5 and Galatians 5:22). I want to learn more about the Fruits of the Spirit, and application of how God originally entrusted us with them...whoa...that sounds way deep, but basically, I just want to dig a little deeper..HA!
Tonight, on Facebook, my personal time trap, I ran across a status update of a dear friend of mine whom I met while working in Waco. Tomorrow, she will celebrate her 29th birthday, and her 3 year anniversary of giving her life to Jesus!
I couldn't be happier for her. I can honestly say that before giving her life to the One that makes all things new she was a GREAT person. Nice, educated, you know...had it going on, but I could tell then that she was searching for something....and she found it. Through Him. I'm sure she'll be the first to tell you that it was not overnight. In fact, I remember a time right after that where she fasted and prayed...seeking His face, and dying to self. But isn't that what we sometimes think? That because we are 'good people,' it's our ticket into the pearly gates.
I know I thought that for years...seriously! I just want to encourage anyone who is reading this blog, that if you missed the mark...over...and over again, that it's never too late to make it right. Remember that we are all sinners, but because of our desire to serve Christ, we should sin less. Thanks Pastor J!
I'm no saint! Even typing this, I cringe because I fear that I'll sound preachy or maybe even offend some of you, BUT, I know what it's like to search in empty relationships to fill a void. Giving time, energy, and your trust to someone and coming up empty handed, especially when you think you've scored BIG TIME! Or to work so hard that I drown out the life around me! It's not a good feeling at all, and sometimes, it's a long road to recovery, but I'm reminded of a line from one of my most favorite songs, "Unredeemed." The lyrics read,
We live in the shadow of the fall
But the cross says these are all
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But when anything that's shattered is laid before the Lord
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed
Oh how many times have I travelled from shadow to shadow...nursing old wounds...carrying guilt, shame, bitterness...and every other self serving emotion I can have. It's not healthy to say the least, BUT, the Bible says this: "Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you," Zechariah 9:12, AND Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." So to me, the first scripture means I will receive double for my trouble, and the last scripture means that EVERYTHING (good and bad) I have gone through will work out for MY good....He will redeem....God said so! So a couple of weeks ago, I made the decision to step into the SONlight. No more shadows for me! I hope you will too friends!
This post has been about a little bit of everything, but I hope it helps on SOME level! God's plan is for us to live free...only we can keep ourselves bound! Congratulations T! I'm so proud of you, and the woman you've become! Your light is shining all over!!! Goodnight~!
In and Out for 2025
1 month ago
Thanks for the comment! I love this entry of yours. It is great to find some like-minded Christ loving people in cyberspace :) We would be sharing the same soapbox!
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