It is October....OCTOBER! Seriously, where did the time go? These past few months have been interesting to say the least. Wanna hear about it? I'm in a place that I feel like talking.
I believe the last time we spoke, I was coming off of my 100 days of life changing, knock your socks off, Jarvis you'll never see life the same again prayer. I know this may sound totally dramatic, and if you know me in real life, then you get it, but yes folks...I will yell from the rooftops that UNLESS you are really, really, really, really READY to lose all control, question your sanity, then 100 days of soul searching prayer is not for you...just keeping it real.
But enough about that. What I didn't tell you was that I resigned from teaching! Yep!! With no income to speak of. I officially resigned in June..but my principal and I went back and forth literally all summer about whether or not I would come back. (I should have followed my first mind...God had already spoken...but you know me!)
Anywho...a super long story short God closed, locked, and boarded the door to me returning to teaching. Yay right?! This is what I wanted. What I had talked about for a year. But fear is a bad mamma jamma, and I panicked. I had no job...which mean I had no money! Sweet Jesus, what was I going to do now?
All I can say is that God has provided. I am in a very good place, and if I have learned nothing else, I have learned to trust God at His word. Y'all, to get up and be able to leisurely sip coffee, listen to music, and spend time with doesn't get any better than that. If you ask me what's the best part of working from home, I'll tell you my quiet time.
My relationship with the Lord has deepened in a way that I never thought I could (or really wanted to) reach. I thought those relationships were for other people...more spiritual people. Do you have hope...? LOL! I am so not worthy of the favor and love, and just joy that I have. Like, this is my life y'all! Gym in the middle of the and not so business lunches...somebody pinch me!
I love that I have time to help my family and friends, and be there when they need me. That has been another favorite. I can tell someone I'll pray for them, and actually get a chance to do it! Even the bad moments are worth it knowing that I am truly in the will of God! That's peace right there!
I have this devotional book, Jesus Calling...have you heard of it? It's a sweet, sweet book. Get it! It'll knock your socks off! The author is Sarah Young!
Well, I have written a book! Sorry about that. If you're still with me, bless you! Would you do me a favor? I have a friend (God knows exactly who she is), and her family has a long road of healing ahead of them. Will you pray? It takes a million years for me to share on this blog, so I dare not overstep someone else's boundaries. The beauty in this request is that God knows who she is and what she needs. Gotta love that!
Until next time sweet blogger friends! (P.S. I'll be 32 in 2 weeks...say what?! Seriously y'all...I feel 16..HA!)
In and Out for 2025
1 month ago
Amen! love that your finding more of who you are and all the kindness of the Lord as you continue to step out in faith. You're awesome.I miss you. Hope you post again, sooner than later.I do love following. God is good and you are a joy!
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